pink triangle
black triangle

pink triangle
black triangle
Transgender Symbol Joan Dark's Transsister Circle Transgender Symbol
Transgender Symbol

Below are some definitions of some terms useful in discussions about transgender and transsexual issues. Except for those terms defined here that are also defined in standard dictionaries, the definitions in use are in a state of flux and often controversial. Such terms are examples of neologisms. (See the definition of neologism below.) Words defined in the glossary that are neologisms are written in bold green.



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1Adopted from Serano, Julia, Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity (2007), p. 30. Example of usage: Mattilda a.k.a. Matt Bernstein Sycamore (ed.), Nobody Passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity (2006), p. 7; the first usage of the term may have been by Johns Hopkins psychologist John Money in papers he published in 1955. See Rudacille, Deborah, The Riddle of Gender: Science, Activism, and Transgender Rights (2006), p. 102.

2Examples of the use of the prefix cis-: cisatlantic (referring to "this side of the Atlantic," compare with transatlantic); cisalpine (meaning "south of the alps" - i.e., "same side of the Alps as Italy" compare with transalpine).

3 My definitions of cisgender here are derived from definition given in the web page Wikipedia--"Cisgender", but with some modification of my own so that the definitions are free of cissexual assumptions concerning what is absolutely appropriate.

4The term cissexual has been popularized by the transsexual author and spokes-person, Julia Serano (at least within elements of the trangender community and professionals having positive concerns about them). The definition here is based on statements from her book, Whipping Girl, pp. 12, 33. From page 33: "...I will also be spending a great deal of time discussing the beliefs and attitudes common among cissexuals--that is, people who have only ever experienced their subconscious sex and physical sex as being aligned." From page 12: "...cissexuals (i.e., people who are not transsexual and who have only ever experienced their subconscious and physical sexes as being aligned)." See also "Whipping Girl FAQ on cisgender, cissexual, cis privelege" by Julia Serano and"Cissexual/Cisgender" by Emi Koyama.

5 Serano, Julia, op. cit., p. 162.

6Ibid., pp. 62, 64, 262.

7 Vanderburgh, op. cit., pp. 261-262. The wording of the definition here is exactly as it is given by Vanderburgh.

8 Vanderburgh, Reid, Transition and Beyond: Observations on Gender Identity (2007), p. 262. The wording of the definition here is exactly as it is given by Vanderburgh. See also pp. 35-40 in the same book.

9See Vanderburgh, op. cit., pp. 62, 64, 262.

10 The second definity of misogyny here is adopted from Serano, Julia, op. cit., page 14.

11Definition 1a of neologism is from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary; definition 1b is from Wikipedia--"Neologism"; definition 2 is also from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary.

12Adopted from Serano, Julia, op. cit., p. 104.

13The definitions a, b and c of transgender here are based on three that are found on the web page Wikipedia--"Transgender". The author of this Wikipedia article attributes the definition corresponding to my definition b to the definition of transgender in "the Oxford English Dictionary, draft version March 2004. Retrieved on 2007-04-07."; the definition corresponding to my definition c is attributed to "'USI LGBT Campaign - Transgender Campaign.' Retrieved 2007-03-06." But note again that I have taken liberty to modify some of the exact wording of these definitions to better suit my own tastes and conceptions.

14Adopted from Serano, Julia, op. cit., p. 104.

15The second definition of transsexual here is loosely based on the definition in the Wikipedia page Wikipedia--"Transsexualism" which in turn is taken from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10'th edition (ISCD-10).